5 Signs You’re Addicted To Sugar

fitness lifestyle nutrition Apr 14, 2022

Are you addicted to sugar?

Here are 5 common signs that will let you know whether or not you have a sugar addiction! 

Sign #1: You hide your sugar habit.
You hide sweets or sneak to eat them when no one is looking.

Sign #2: You need more and more to satisfy the craving.
One cookie just isn’t enough. You need more and more yet never feel quite satisfied.

Sign #3: You eat sugar even when you’re not hungry.
You may have just eaten, or you’re not hungry at all, yet you crave sweets and eat it anyway.

Sign #4: You go out of your way to get sugar.
You’re taking special late night trips to the grocery store to grab a pint of ice cream. You will do anything to cure that sugar craving, even if it’s inconvenient.

Sign #5: You have feelings of guilt about eating sugar.
You feel shame about eating sugar and tend to use it to soothe boredom, loneliness, etc

If you find yourself saying “YUP, that’s me” to most of these signs, know that you’re not alone. 

It’s important to become aware of these signs and take steps forward to overcoming sugar addiction.
If you’re not already registered for my FREE 5 Day Sweet Swaps Challenge, make sure to sign up so you can learn healthier ways to satisfy your sweet cravings! 

Consuming an excess amount of sugar is one of the leading causes of obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. 

Not only that, consuming sugar increases body fat storage, hijacks hormonal function, and intensifies even more sugar cravings.

Don’t let sugar ruin your health and fitness goals! I’ll teach you some easy-to-make #sweetswaps recipes and give you helpful resources to curb sugar intake for good!

Get your free-ebook and join here.


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