3 Big Fitness Myths You Have to Stop Believing

fitness May 11, 2021

There are 3 big fitness myths you have to stop believing NOW!

Myth #1: Longer workouts are better

Not necessarily true. Intensity and style of training is what matters most. If you asked me which workout is better between a 60 minute session on an elliptical versus a 20 minute HIIT-style workout, I’d choose the latter.


Myth #2: Weights make women bulky

Women just don’t have enough testosterone as men to produce big bulky muscles. Weight training helps you to build lean muscle, increase metabolism, and gives you the “toned” appearance that so many women desire.


Myth #3: You need some “magic pill” or “fitness gimmick” to get results

Companies spend millions of dollars figuring out how to trigger your pain points to believe that you can’t get results without their shake, tool, diet plan, [insert product here]. Keep it simple. Results will show through consistency and discipline in the basics - move daily, eat right, sleep well, and repeat.


Which myth do you continue to believe is true?


Which one did you need to hear today?



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