3 Questions to Create Bulletproof New Years Goals

fitness lifestyle workouts Jan 01, 2024

Happy New Year!

I don’t know about you, but I’m a BIG FAN of setting SMART goals + intentions for the New Year. The reason why people FAIL in hitting their New Year goals is because they are missing TWO THINGS: a SMART and strategic action plan + ACCOUNTABILITY!

To help you get started on your New Year goal-setting, I wanted to provide 3 simple yet powerful journal prompts to get your wheels turning on WHAT you need to do to reach your goals and WHO you need to become to reach those goals.

The 3 journal prompts are:

  1. What do I want?

    This is where you CLEARLY visualize the outcome that you want to achieve. A simple way to start this prompt is writing: “It’s December 31st, 2024 and I’m so proud of myself for accomplishing…”

    Write your goal as if you’ve already accomplished it!

  2. What do I need to DO to get it?

    This is where you start thinking about all the potential actions that can take you from where you are now to where you want to be. Do a brain dump of all of the potential things you can do, then prioritize them from most important to least important. Work on the most important actions first, then slowly move down the list as you master them one at a time.

    Make sure you put some accountability around this, such as joining a virtual fitness community, telling a buddy, or hiring a Coach!

  3. Who do I have to BECOME?

    What got you HERE, won’t get you THERE. What limiting beliefs, narratives, or stories are holding you back from becoming this healthier and fitter version of yourself? What do you need to let go of in order to shift into this new identity? What behaviors do you need to change?

    This is probably THE most important and pivotal question to ask yourself. Start acting “as if” you’ve already achieved your goal.


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