3 Quick Tips To Start 2022 On The Right Foot!

fitness lifestyle Dec 29, 2021


Happy holidays to YOU!

I hope you had an incredible weekend with your loved ones, whether it was in-person or over a video conference! I know how difficult it can feel to stick to a healthy lifestyle during the holidays. You might already be thinking of what diet plan to go on, or what fitness routine you should start.

Wherever you are on your journey, there are 3 simple tips that I think can help you. 

  1. START SMALL. Make sure to not do everything all at once. Starting a new diet, workout plan, AND committing to a bunch of other New Year's resolutions can be too overwhelming (and can lead to burnout!). The key to having New Years resolutions actually STICK is by implementing one habit at a time. ❤️ 
  2. DO SOMETHING THAT YOU ENJOY. It can be dancing, cardio kickboxing, strength training, or yoga. Find something that you actually love. If your goal is to lose weight, and you’ve committed to doing some crazy workout plan that you dread doing, you will never create the consistency that is required to reach your goal. Do something that you WANT to keep doing and the results will follow.
  3. FOCUS ON THE VISION. Always remember why you're doing it! Create a vision board. Listen to positive affirmations. Flood your social media with inspiring influencers who keep you motivated. Keep your eyes on the prize. 💯

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I hope these 3 simple tips can help you plan for your resolutions! Feel free to share with me your New Years Resolutions by texting me at +1 (949) 506-5149 - it’s really me responding (try it out yourself!)

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