5 No-no’s You Don’t Need to Do to Get Results

fitness lifestyle nutrition Jun 21, 2023

Today, I am going to spill the beans on what you absolutely DON'T need to do to get results.

Let's get started!

  • Juice Cleanses: Sure, they might promise quick weight loss, but it's mostly just shedding water weight. Once you return to your normal eating habits, the weight tends to bounce right back.

  • “Magic Pills”: Trust me, those mysterious pills claiming to work wonders are not the answer. Who knows what's actually in them? They usually just increase your heart rate and make you feel awful. Plus, any results you see are usually short-lived.

  • 75 Hard: While it might sound like a cool challenge, who has time for that? At what point does it become excessive? Remember, consistency beats intensity. So, let's focus on finding a sustainable routine that works for YOU.

  • The New Weight Loss Drug: New "miracle" drugs often come with hidden side effects. It's always better to err on the side of caution when it comes to any medication promising magical weight loss.

  • The Latest Fad Diet: Diets that force you to eliminate major food groups aren't sustainable in the long run. We're looking for lasting results here, not quick fixes. So, let's wave goodbye to fad diets and opt for a healthier, balanced approach.

Jenny J Fitness
I totally understand how tempting these marketing gimmicks can be. I've been there too, feeling desperate and willing to try anything.

Focus on small, habit-based, lifestyle changes and do those things consistently! The true key to success lies in your daily routine!

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