6 Surprising Ways to Get Fit this Summer

fitness Jun 09, 2021

If working out indoors is unappealing due to the incredible sunny weather, it’s time to take it outdoors!

Changing up your fitness routine is not only a great way to prevent boredom, but it also can break a fitness plateau!


Here are a few surprising ways you can get fit this summer:

  1. Beach volleyball
  2. Walks or runs at your favorite nature spot
  3. Taking a dance class
  4. Hike with your girlfriends
  5. Outdoor rock climbing
  6. Biking around the neighborhood

As you can see, the possibilities are endless! You don’t always have to follow a strict workout plan if you don’t want to.


What are some ways you’re going to MOVE this summer? Anything that I left out on that list? Hit REPLY and let me know!


Jenny J

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