Clean Up your Eating with ONE Subtle Tweak

fitness lifestyle nutrition Sep 30, 2021

If you’ve been following me for quite some time, you’ll know that I don’t believe in fad diets. They are temporary quick fixes that almost always end in burnout and failure.

In my latest Instagram post, you’ll see how my fitness journey was a rollercoaster of weight gain and loss as I tried every diet in the book with no luck.

Instead of falling prey for the next quick fix solution, you can clean up your nutrition with one subtle tweak…

Eat MORE real whole foods, and eat LESS highly processed junk.

Processed junk is any food that has been highly processed that contains little to no nutrient benefit. Most store-bought chips, cookies, cakes, and pastries are highly processed foods.

  • They are usually higher in calories
  • They are usually lower in nutrients
  • They intensity cravings It’s difficult to stop at just one serving
  • An excess amount can lead to weight gain, inflammation, bloating, indigestion, brain fog, low energy, and hormonal imbalances
  • It can also lead you on a path to major health diseases like diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and even some cancers

Real whole foods, on the other hand, are packed with nutrients, give you the energy you need to thrive and set you on a path of good health.

Compared to their junk food counterparts, real whole foods...

  • Are usually lower in calories
  • Are higher in nutrients
  • Keep you fuller longer
  • Give you more energy
  • Decrease cravings
  • Increase satiety in between meals
  • Can improve major health markers
  • Can help with weight loss, digestion, and lowering inflammation
  • And so much more!

It can be overwhelming to make lifestyle changes, especially when your diet is filled with most processed foods. I encourage you to take it one step at a time. Making slow progress is better than no progress!

If you need a plan in place to get started on your health/fitness journey or feel like you’re in a rut and you want to get back on track, join the waitlist for my upcoming group coaching program + challenge!

No matter if your diet is filled with ALL JUNK or if you’re still working on fine tuning a few things, my program will help you get back on track to feeling healthy, fit, energized, and strong!



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