Are Your Friends Helping or Hurting Your Goals?

fitness lifestyle Apr 01, 2024

Our environment plays a HUGE role when it comes to living a healthy fit lifestyle. There’s a quote out there that says,

“You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.”

Think about the 5 closest people to you...and take note of their lifestyle choices, what they eat, what they think or talk about, and how active or sedentary their life is.

If you think about it, you’re probably a good blend of those 5 people combined.

I remember when I was just getting started on my fitness journey, I surrounded myself with girlfriends who:

  • Partied and drank all weekend
  • Didn’t care much about their health
  • Didn’t really prioritize exercise or healthy eating


Can you guess how my life looked back then?

Let me give you a hint: I never had motivation, I ate way more junk food than I do now, and I never had any energy to exercise because I stayed up until 2am the night before eating Del Taco chili cheese fries.

Once I learned that we become a product of who we spend the most time with, I decided to slowly start to change my social environment.

Here are some things that I did that can be helpful for you too:

  • Find friends (in-person or online) who are on their health/fitness journey too (this is why EmpowerU exists!)
  • Start spending less time with “friends” who are unsupportive of your new fit lifestyle
  • Unfollow people on social media that leave you feeling jealous, bitter, or down about yourself; instead, follow people who inspire, uplift, and motivate you
  • Be more intentional about who you hangout with. Hangout with people who are positive and who leave you feeling better after seeing them

Does this help?








30 Min KILLER Upper Body And Abs Workout (No Talking, Beginner Friendly)



30 Min KNEE FRIENDLY Leg Workout (Workout with Weights for Beginners)


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