Do this TODAY to Boost Your Metabolism

fitness lifestyle Jun 29, 2021

Here’s quick tip on how to boost your metabolism without having to add in more exercise!


Non-exercise activity thermogenesis, commonly referred to as “NEAT,” requires about 10-15% of your overall metabolism.

To put it into comparison, a 1-hour workout only uses about 5-10% of your overall metabolism.

While exercise is extremely important for overall health, non-exercise activity requires MORE metabolic energy than a killer workout does!

To break this down even more:

  • Adding in more movement like fidgeting, walking, etc. can boost your metabolism without adding in more exercise
  • More movement = more calories burned
  • You don’t have to workout longer and longer to see results
  • Simply living a healthier, more active lifestyle can produce significant change in your body

Here are some ways to add more movement in throughout the day:

  • Get a standup desk
  • Do walking meetings
  • Take a 5-10 min stretch break in between appointments
  • Take the stairs
  • Park at the end of the parking lot
  • Do an easy stretch workout while watching Netflix


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