Healthy Snacks to Eat while Traveling

lifestyle nutrition travel Jun 28, 2023

Going on a vacay soon? Here are some fantastic ideas for healthy snacks to keep you energized and satisfied while you're on the go.

Let's dive right in!

Trail Mix: Create your very own mix by combining a delightful medley of nuts, seeds, dried fruits, and for that extra touch of indulgence, a sprinkle of dark chocolate or coconut flakes. It's a treat you won't be able to resist!

Fresh Fruit: Grab some portable fruits like juicy apples, sweet bananas, tasty grapes, or delightful berries. For larger fruits, simply pre-cut them and store them in small containers for easy snacking.

Veggies: Don't forget to pack pre-cut veggie sticks such as crunchy carrot sticks, refreshing celery, cool cucumber, or colorful bell pepper strips. To take the flavor up a notch, pair them with individual packs of hummus or nut butter. Yum!

Jenny J Fitness
Nut Butter Packs:
We all love nut butters, don't we? Grab some single-serving packets of almond butter, peanut butter, or any other nut butter you fancy. These little packets of goodness are perfect for spreading on whole grain crackers or enjoying with apple slices. Talk about a tasty treat!

Energy Bars: When it comes to energy bars, it's all about choosing ones with minimal added sugars and ingredients. Look for options that strike a great balance of protein, fiber, and healthy fats. Our personal favorites are Larabars and Rx bars—trust us, they won't disappoint!

Remember, a little bit of planning goes a long way. 

Jenny J

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