How to Stop Binge Eating

nutrition Aug 04, 2021

Do you suffer from uncontrollable desires to eat junk food, candy, and baked goods!? You are not alone.

Many women, to some degree, have experienced a binge eating episode, whether it’s on a much-needed vacay trip to Mexico or to cope with a recent breakup.

Here are some quick tips that can help you overcome these moments:

Tip #1:

Limit the amount of highly processed food in the house

These foods are chemically engineered to light up your tastebuds and make them so addicting that you can’t help yourself but finish the entire bag. Even the healthiest of people can’t resist the salty tang of a good BBQ chip or the decadent sweetness of a chocolate chip cookie.

So the first step is to make sure that when you have that desire to binge eat, it’s not even in the house to grab.

Tip #2:

Have healthy whole foods to munch on instead of the processed stuff

It’s VERY hard to overeat broccoli, carrot sticks, or apples. Why? Because whole foods are nutrient-DENSE. They contain an array of vitamins and fiber to help make you feel full. Healthy whole food snacks signal to your brain that you’re “getting satisfied,” whereas processed foods make you want more and more.

Tip #3:

Find another alternative to cope with your emotions

Binge eating is usually a case of emotional eating. We try to stuff our stomachs to fill an emotional void that food can never fill. Whether you’re eating for happiness, sadness, anger, shame, or loneliness, emotional eating does not ever solve the root of the problem.

Try to find a different alternative to deal with whatever emotion you’re feeling. Some examples include taking a walk, talking to a friend, taking a hot bubble bath, or reaching out to a therapist.

Binge eating can be a very serious eating disorder. If you feel like you have an issue, please seek out professional help.


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