How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Other People

lifestyle Feb 05, 2024

Let’s face it, social media is a blackhole into comparing yourself to other people. Scroll long enough and all of a sudden you feel like you’re not enough as other people are flashing their bikini bodies, luxury skincare routine, beautiful renovated kitchen, and picture perfect family life.

I’ve experienced myself comparing myself to random strangers on the Internet and it’s definitely not a fun feeling.

Here are some ways I’ve learned how to stop comparing myself to other people and reframe the jealousy and envy that comes with it:

1. Set a time limit for how long you scroll your newsfeed

I’ve noticed that if I spend a LONG time scrolling my newsfeed, I end up in a rabbit hole of comparison and envy as my newsfeed starts to feed me aspirational but perhaps unattainable or unrealistic goals.

2. Create a “brag list” of all of your accomplishments to remind yourself how amazing you are

It is SO easy to think of all the flaws, insecurities, and things you have yet to accomplish. But so often we forget all the amazing things we’ve done in the past. In your Notes app on your phone, consider writing a “brag list” of all the things you’re proud of, including your achievements and character traits. Read it to yourself daily to step back into an empowering state.

3. Reframe comparison and tell yourself “if they can do it, that means I can do it too”

If someone’s at the “top” of their game, it doesn’t mean you can’t get there too. There’s room for more than just one person at the top! Instead of criticizing them, compliment them! See them as an inspiration and a role model for you.


Hope this helps!









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