Self Care Survival Tips During Quarantine

lifestyle Apr 24, 2020

Have compassion for yourself during this time. It’s not easy to create routine when our entire lives have been turned upside down. 

  To be honest, I never knew what that meant just a few years ago. You read an article and they say, “go get your nails done, lavish yourself with a new wardrobe, give yourself a lavender infused bubble bath while you listen to smooth jazz.” And while that sounds great, I just thought it was weirdly selfish (is that just me?). 

But, little did I realize, it’s not being selfish at all. 

I learned what self-care meant when I decided to quit my day job, break up with a boyfriend that didn’t treat me right, and fly across the world to go to Bali for 3 months to become certified in yoga (but really, it was to “find myself”). 

I spent 90 days in a foreign country, single, alone, and sometimes scared that I might die, to realize what self-care meant. I meditated with spiritual gurus, adopted a vegan diet, and completely unplugged from the world. 

When I came back, I looked and acted like the same person, but my internal world was completely different. I grew in self-esteem and confidence. I became stronger in my sense of self. I learned how to trust myself, create boundaries, and become deeply in tune with my body and mind.

What I learned is that self-care is about prioritizing yourself and your needs. PUTTING YOURSELF FIRST. 

Before your dog, your significant other, your career demands, and your obligations. It’s about honoring the amazing YOU that you are!

Now you don’t have to travel halfway across the globe (nor can you at this moment) to practice “self-care.” 

In fact, it’s probably the most opportune moment to start, if you don’t already do so. 

Self-care is going to look different for everyone. Self-care can be as small as waking up before the baby gets up to enjoy that delicious cup of coffee in silence. Or, self-care can be as grand as investing in a Toby Robbins seminar and unleashing the power within!

Good news is: eating healthy and working out daily is the ULTIMATE form of self-care. So you are already doing an awesome job! 

Here is a list of other ways you can practice self-care:

  • Take up meditation
  • Read a juicy book
  • Walk in nature, watch the sunset, watch the sunrise
  • Give yourself a face mask
  • Practice deep breathing
  • Watch a funny movie
  • Call someone you love who always lifts your spirits
  • Start that project or business you’ve always wanted to do
  • Invest in a coach, program, or education 
  • Learn something new
  • Improve your skills in an area you’ve forgotten or ignored because of busyness
  • Take up a new hobby
  • Watch a YouTube video to learn how to put your makeup on flawlessly
  • Donate your clothes and update your wardrobe with pieces that flatter your figure
  • Listen to a podcast or inspiring Youtube video 
  • Learn how to budget your money and invest
  • Clean your environment (re-organize your furniture/things, declutter, feng shui the ish out of your pad)

...The list goes on. If none of the above resonates with you, then do whatever you fancy. The point is: make sure to prioritize your needs. Honor yourself. Honor your body. Honor your mind and overall well-being. Because if you don’t, life just isn’t as sweet. 

When you live from a place of abundance, bliss, joy, and inner peace and contentment, everything around you reflects that back. My suggestion this week is to find one thing to do every day that you consider as self-care.

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Be well.



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