The Science of Weight Loss Explained

fitness lifestyle nutrition Jun 07, 2023

How does weight loss or gain actually work?

Let’s go over the basics.

First things first, let's talk about the fascinating first law of thermodynamics. It tells us that energy can't be created or destroyed—it can only change its form.

So, when we consume food or exercise, we're not magically creating or losing energy. We're simply converting it from one form to another.

Now, here's where things get interesting: energy balance.

Think of it as a seesaw that keeps our weight in check. It's all about finding the right equation.

How you Gain Weight: When we consume more energy than we burn, it's like having extra fuel in our tank. Our bodies have a few options for using that surplus energy—like generating extra warmth, repairing muscles and tissues, or even storing it as body fat. Over time, this energy surplus can lead to weight gain.

How you Lose Weight: On the flip side, when we consume less energy than we burn, we create an energy deficit. In this situation, our bodies may tap into stored energy to fuel our daily activities. As a result, weight loss may occur. However, it's important to remember that a significant and prolonged energy deficit can affect our metabolic needs and potentially break down lean mass or slow down our metabolism.

How you Maintain Weight: Consuming the same amount of energy that we burn keeps our weight in balance. Our bodies have just what they need to function optimally without any major weight fluctuations.

Jenny J Fitness
Understanding these principles can empower us to make informed choices about our health and well-being. Whether it's finding a slight energy deficit to shed a few pounds or maintaining an energy balance to stay healthy, it's all about discovering what works best for you.

Remember, the journey to weight loss or gain is unique for each individual. Approach it with kindness and patience.

Jenny J

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