Tips & Tricks To Become A Master At Meal Prepping

fitness lifestyle nutrition Jun 24, 2022

I’ve received a lot of comments lately from women saying they struggle with learning ways to meal prep and plan for the week ahead. Like I always say, “if you fail to plan, plan to fail.”

Prepping ahead of time is one of the best ways to stay on track with a healthy lifestyle. Here are some super simple (yet effective) ways to meal prep for success.

Tip #1: Batch cook/bake your protein

At the beginning of the week, I like to batch cook/bake my protein for the week (e.g. chicken, salmon, turkey, etc) so that I can quickly whip up a #FabFour meal without very little prep time. Having protein in each meal is important to keep you fuller for longer and is crucial for building lean muscle.

Tip #2: Prep “snack bags” the night before

Whenever I’m going out of the house, I make sure to prep a snack bag with healthy whole food options in case hunger strikes (which it always does btw!). This helps me to avoid the sugary highly processed foods when I’m out. Fill your snack bag with cherry tomatoes, a serving of cheese (I love cheddar goat cheese), nuts, dried fruit, apples, or sugar-free beef jerky.

Tip #3: Whip up a morning breakfast smoothie or overnight oats for a grab-and-go morning

If you have crazy mornings and need to get out of the house quickly, make a delicious and fiber-filling protein smoothie (check out my go-to smoothie on TikTok) or make overnight oats the night before. Again, making sure that you add protein and fat/fiber into your breakfast will ensure that you stay fuller for longer and reduce sugar cravings later in the day.

Avoid high sugar high carb meals (like your Starbucks latte and muffin) because it will zap your energy, intensify sugar cravings, and leave you feeling hungry just 1-2 hours later.

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