Top 3 Non-Negotiables to Live a Fit Lifestyle

fitness lifestyle nutrition Apr 15, 2024

Life has been BUSY! With all the wedding planning going, it’s been hard to stay on track with my health and fitness routine. But even though my life has been crazy these days, I have found there are some non-negotiables in my daily routine that I do consistently regardless of how busy I get. I want to share with you what those are and why I do them.

1. Start every morning with a glass of water and lemon

This has been a non-negotiable for Michael and I for a few months now and I swear to you this is how we’ve stayed healthy during the cold and flu season. Normally, I’ll catch a cold once a year. But since I started this new habit, my immunity has been stronger than ever!

Why you should consider doing it too:

Drinking water, especially with lemon, helps hydrate your body after several hours of sleep without any fluid intake. Staying hydrated is essential for overall health and helps maintain bodily functions.

2. Get ANY kind of movement in on a daily basis

Even if it’s just an easy walk or some light stretching, I will always try to find a way to move my body. It doesn’t feel good to be sedentary all day, and for me, it just helps to connect with myself, stretch out any kinks that I’m feeling, and of course get that endorphin rush after a great workout.

3. Take magnesium during my nighttime routine

Most people are deficient in magnesium and it’s a vital nutrient to have for better sleep, better poop, and less stress! I’ve noticed a huge difference in my overall stress and quality of sleep when taking magnesium. You can take it in either pill form or drink it as a powder. I personally use and recommend GutPersonal - their magnesium powder is DELICIOUS and such a great way to cap off the night.

Question for you - no matter how busy your day gets, what non-negotiables do YOU commit to on a daily basis? COMMENT and let me know!










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