Top Self Care Tips To Increase Health & Happiness

lifestyle Jun 11, 2018

It’s not about how hard you workout at the gym, it’s about how hard you practice self-care!

A 1-hour workout is 4% of your day, but what about the other 96%? What are you doing to intentionally uplevel your body, mindset, and wellness?

As I continue to get older and realize that fitness is not just about looking good in a bikini, I am becoming more and more aware of the habits that I do on the daily that can either be building me up or tearing me down.

Working out is just one piece of the puzzle. All other elements of our life should be well taken care of such as our sleep, emotional health, level of joy, relationships, and personal growth.

That’s why I wanted to share my top self-care routine habits that I’ve created in my life that can help you increase your happiness, health, and overall well-being.

  1. Stretch daily: especially if you’re sitting at a desk all day, it’s important to increase blood flow, circulation, and mobility by taking a few minutes each day to limber up.
  2. Read a book: yep, grab that paperback thing of the past, and indulge in a book that peaks your interest. Engaging in some deeper thinking other than trivial social media crap can help light up your brain in new ways.
  3. Listen to a podcast: same thing as a book, listening to experts in different fields will help you to learn something new and apply new ideas into your life, career, or relationships
  4. Drink tons of water: chug a big glass of water first thing in the morning, and continue to hydrate throughout the day. Many times we confuse hunger for thirst.
  5. Partake in a hobby: do something that gives you joy! This is something that I’ve completely removed from my life for the last 6 years, unfortunately. Once I got back into things I love like dancing, taking classes, and connecting with like-minded women.
  6. Avoid social media or watching reality TV: we all know we feel just a little bit dumber after watching trash TV or scrolling people’s newsfeeds. Keep it to a minimum and engage in something that’s positive, uplifting, and will teach you something new.
  7. Get a massage: If your body is feeling like it just got run over because of your super intense workouts, get a massage to knead out any kinks in the body. It’ll make you feel refreshed and ready to take on another workout.
  8. Shut down electronics at least 1 hour before bed: Blue light from electronics reduces melatonin levels and decreases sleep quality. Invest in blue-light blocking glasses if you need to look at a screen at night or put “Night Mode” on your phone so that it creates more of an orange light that’s easier on the eyes.
  9. Write your goals frequently: I like to create micro-goals for the week and month, and macro goals for the year. This keeps me in check to make sure that I’m doing actions daily, weekly, and monthly that’ll bring me closer to my goals.
  10. Meditate: For me, meditation is just sitting in silence. I don’t do any special mantras or sit in some yogi position. However, allowing myself to be present at the moment helps me to align with who I want to be that day and sets me up for success.

There you have it. 10 self-care goals that you can start implementing in your life to increase your happiness, wellness, and overall vitality!

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I’d love to know what tip you’re going to try! Feel free to leave a comment below and let me know! Or, tell me what self-care habit YOU do that makes you feel absolutely awesome!






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