5 Signs it’s Time to Hire a Nutrition Coach

fitness lifestyle nutrition Jul 27, 2021

Is it time to get a nutrition coach?

Here are 5 surefire signs it’s time to start investing in your health.

Sign #1

You keep starting and failing diets.

You can call this yo-yo dieting. You keep jumping from one diet to the next hoping that this time, I’ll really make the change for good. But like always, you find yourself not having enough willpower to resist the cookies and chips.

One to two weeks in, you find yourself back at square one (or even worse than when you started).

Sign #2

You feel out of control of your eating habits.

It’s almost as if junk food, sugar, and relentless cravings control you! You don’t know why you can’t stop eating no matter how hard you try. You use so much willpower to resist the very foods you love, only to find yourself binge eating the entire pantry!

Sign #3

You literally don’t know where to start.

You’re unsure of what foods to eat, what foods to avoid, and what’s the best diet plan for you. Some experts say grains and meat are good, while other experts say you should avoid them at all costs.

You have no idea how to wade through all of the conflicting information.

Sign #4

You want to lose weight (for good) and start feeling better.

You’re sick and tired of feeling the way that you do. You want to feel in control of your eating, your habits and your life. You want to increase your energy, feel confident in your skin, and just feel healthier overall.

Sign #5

You know you need accountability to stay on track.

You know (for the most part) what to do to get healthy, but you just lack the accountability and support to follow through with it. You need someone by your side guiding you and helping you make small but powerful changes to change your life.

If you qualify for at least 3 out of the 5 signs, it might be time to consider 1:1 coaching!


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